+254 721 331 808    training@upskilldevelopment.com

Personal Details
Number of Participant/Trainee (*)
Mobile Number (*)
WhatsApp Number (Optional)
Email Address(*)
Gender (*)

Academic Level (*)
Country (*)
Current Duties (*)
Training Expectations (*)
Accommodation (Optional)
Airport pickup (Optional)
NB: Accommodation and Airport Pickup is Optional
Employer/ Organization Details
Name of Organization (*)
Organization's Phone Number (*)
Organization's Email Address (*)
How did you hear about us (*)
Course Fee Summary Per Person | Offline Payment Method

For a group an Invoice will be sent with total training fee having facted in our group rates

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Some of Our Recent Clients

Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses
Professional capacity building short courses

Training that focuses on providing skills for work?

We support the development of a skilled and confident workforce to meet the changing demands of growing sectors by offering the best possible training to enable them to fulfil learning goals.

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